Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We have thoughts

Here I delve into putting my thoughts to the internet again. I've tried before (and failed) but with the election results in, I just cant stay quiet any longer. What a great time to re-start a blog, right?

Election day has come and gone, and we start off the day just the same as the day before it same-old, same-old. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I live in a country that gives its citizens the right to vote. However, I become increasingly upset with the ignorance of the people year after year. People casting ballots as if they are the magic solution to fixing all of our problems. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!

This election reminded me of a certain quote. It goes as follows:

“Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses.” - H.L. Mencken

While I don't agree with this quote in its entire premise, I dare say that we are becoming dangerously close to being nothing more than a bunch of ballot casting zombies (i.e. Jackasses).

As it is pretty widely known by those around me, I have very conservative tendencies, and one would think with the results the way they are today, I would be ecstatic. I'm not. It's not that I'm not in favor of those elected, in fact I voted for many of them. The reason I am disappointed is due to people voting for the most ignorant of reasons. The country is spiraling into an out of control spin toward rising up against whoever they can, simply because they aren't happy with the current situation. 

Until we remove the "tags" that the media and society keeps attaching to everyone, nothing will get done. Somehow, we've been led to believe once we have this label, we must do everything to protect the label, instead of doing everything to find answers to help the common good. Political parties and affiliations have muddied the water of politics to the point we can't won't work together because that may be seen as stepping across party lines which may result in not being re-elected. It's bullsh!t.


Let's face it, we all have our own opinions and beliefs. Nothing is going to change that. We will never all agree on every issue. We have thoughts. It's a brilliant concept really, free thinking is neat. Too bad all media doesn't want you to believe (know) this. 

I don't want a health care system that has the government even remotely close to being involved, maybe you do, and that is fine. I support the death penalty, maybe you don't; guess what, that is okay too! Like the saying goes, "Lets just agree to disagree." Move on, get over it, don't stay caught up on things. Want to know what I think, just ask me. I can have a civil conversation with people with opposing views without just spewing banter. I bet some of my responses may even surprise you! All I ask is for people to educate themselves and have your own thoughts!

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